Author: Silvia Mancini at SILVIA MANCINI CAKE ART & CO
TIP: To achieve the light pink color I add a drop of pink gel color (actually half drop because it needs a really small quantity) to the skin tone modelling paste.
To achieve the brick color I add a bit of white sugar paste to the brown, then I put a drop of red gel color and a drop of orange (the proportion depends if you want a color tending to the red or to the orange)
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You will need ( Click here to order Saracino products, 20% off code SaracinoUSA )
- Rolling pin
- Scalpel or sharp knife
- Dresden tool
- Small ball tool
- Large ball tool
- Pointed silicone tool
- Number 5 Piping Tip
- Wood skewer
- Straw
- Soft brushes (large and small)
- Small paintbrushes (flat and pointed)
- Easy Eyes – princess set
- 82/85g light pink Saracino modelling paste
- 35g skin tone Saracino modelling paste
- 20g red Saracino modelling paste
- Small amount of white, light blue, and black Saracino modelling paste
- Water or edible glue
Step 1
Roll 30g of pink paste into a rod shape having an end smaller than the other
Step 2
Flatten the smaller side
Step 3
Make a groove using the dresden tool
Step 4
Tapering the waist and the knee
Step 5
Thread the wood-stick through on the body until it comes out
Step 5 – 11
- 6. Make some straight marks on the bottom of the dress first using the dresden then the back of the scalpel
- 7. Model 5 long cones (using about 9 g of pink paste for each one) and bend them on the pointed side
- 8. Stick all of them starting from the hips to the back
- 9. Create both sleeves using 7 gr of pink paste in total
- 10. Stick first the upper sleeves
- 11. Then place the arms on the dress
Step 12- 17
- 12. Cut out a turbot on the center of the top dress, remove the paste inside and flatten using a small ball tool
- 13. Put a piece of skin tone paste inside the hole, flatten it and make the mark of the chest. Adjust gently the borders
- 14. Stick a small piece of skin tone paste around the wood-stick
- 15. Cut out a small stripe as collar
- 16. Attack it around the neck
- 17. Roll a very small piece of skin tone paste into a rod shape ( 0,5 mm diameter). Cut in diagonal ,push the palm, create the wrist, cut the thumbs
Step 18 – 23
- 18. Place the hands to the arms on top of each other
- 19. Make a bread shape as smooth as possible using 35g of skin tone paste. Swing the little finger (or the handle of a tool if you have big fingers) in the middle of the ball, from side to side
- 20. Round-off the corner of the upper side to model the forehead
- 21. Push with the fingers on either sides of the nose to make the point come out
- 22. Use a big ball tool to define the eye socket
- 23. Go on shaping the point of the nose using the handle of a tool or the Dresden
Step 24 -33
- 24. Put the Easy Eyes tool right in the middle of the nose
- 25. Push it gently
- 26. Define the eyebrows using the dresdend tool
- 27. Adjust all the borders
- 28. Cut a smile
- 29. Remove the part inside
- 30. Replace with a small quantity of white paste
- 31. Smooth the upper lip
- 32. Define the lower lip
- 33. Mark edges of the mouth
Step 34 – 44
- 34. Engrave the teeth
- 35. Cut the paste in excess away from the chin
- 36. Shape the head with the fingers. Pay attention to round off all the straight sides
- 37. Put a piece of paste on the top of the head
- 38. Paint the eyes first using the white gel color
- 39. Paint the eyebrows
- 40. Cut out two small light blue circles using a straw and stick them on the eyes
- 41. Cut out two black pupils using a tip nr 5
- 42. Create the eyelashes using a very small rod of black paste, paint some more eyelashes just on the external sides. Paint with a light blue gel color the contour of the iris
- 43. Blend using a pink dust color the lips and the face. Add the light points
- 44. Cut out several stripes of different sizes, wavy on one side and straight on the other one
Step 45
Stick them starting from the front to the back
Step 46
The aim is to form the hair so it looks like a rose on the back of her head