Candy Clay Recipe

This week I’ve been making pounds and pounds of candy clay – this chocolaty, sculpting-medium is made from candy wafers and corn syrup. It is pliable and easy to work with, quick to make and perfect for creating models, toppers, figurines, sculpted details and more.


  • 4 bags (2lbs) of white candy wafers/melts (I used Wilton brand 1/2 lb bags)
  • 1 cup of light corn syrup

In a clean, microwave safe bowl, melt the four bags of candy melts by warming in the microwave for 30-second intervals. Make sure the candy wafers are fully melted but be careful not to over-stir.

Once the candy wafers are fully melted set aside and gently warm the corn syrup in a small jug until warmed (30 seconds).

Quickly pour the warmed corn syrup over the candy wafers and stir to incorporate. The candy wafers will immediately start to seize. The important thing here is to not over-stir the candy wafers, you don’t want to separate the fats.

Pour the mixture onto some cling wrap and press flat whilst sealing.

Leave to set at room temperature overnight

The next day, the candy clay should be quite hard. Place the candy clay into a microwave for 20-30 seconds to warm it slightly.

Remove the cling wrap and knead the slightly warmed candy clay until smooth and pliable. If there are any small lumps, knead back into the mixture until beautifully smooth.

The clay is now ready to use.


FAQ’s and Troubleshooting

If your candy clay is greasy and crumbly, it’s because the oil has separated- don’t get rid of this oil by wiping it away, you NEED this oil to make the modeling chocolate smooth and pliable. Keep kneading the modeling chocolate, incorporating the oil back into the clay, it will take a while but eventually, the oil will recombine and the modeling clay will be perfectly smooth and glossy! Make sure your hands are cool, alternatively use a bench scraper to knead the chocolate, this will allow the oil to set and be kneaded back into the chocolate.


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